APPRENTICE TRADE SUPPORT LOANS : Eligible Apprentices have access to loans totalling up to $25over the course of the Apprenticeship to assist with the expenses associated with living, learning and completing an Apprenticeship. THE BUSY GROUP LTD trading as BUSY At Work is a service provider contracted by the Australian Government as represented by the Department of Education and Training to provide support services to prospective and current employers and Australian Apprentices. A copy of the Act, the Guidelines and supporting documents are available on the Department of Education, Skills and Employment website.
Change of Circumstances. Enter your details to stay up to date with the latest BUSY At Work news and alerts. Study and training support loans.
The government provides financial assistance (in the form of loans ) to people undertaking higher education, trade apprenticeships and other training programs. We have responsibility for the collection of these loans through the tax system. The TSL Program is intended to help encourage apprenticeships in targeted occupations, by providing apprentices with loan support during the period of their apprenticeship. (more…)