If you meet all other eligibility requirements (see below), the card you are eligible for depends on whether you work full time or not. See full list on seniorsonline. Make sure you have your green Medicare Card handy to complete your application. Please allow approximately four weeks to process your application and receive your card.
Below is a snapshot of the eligibility requirements for each card. For each card , you can apply up to three weeks before your 60th birthday, if you meet the other two eligibility criteria. To better understand how we use your personal information, please click to read our Privacy notice.
How to apply Check you meet the eligibility requirements. Complete and submit the online form. Australian citizen or have an Australian permanent resident visa.

How can you apply for a senior citizen card? Seniors Card – Seniors online. Centrelink customer reference number (CRN) 2. There is application process for all card types. Queensland driver licence number 4. You will be issued with a card based on your eligibility. If you have a card and your eligibility has change you can upgrade, replace or cancel your card onlineor call 13 QGOV (13 74 68).
Apply for a seniors card. This PDF is fillable. You can fill it out on your device, or print it and complete it by hand. (more…)