Other types of mandatory reporting can also be required by law or company policy in other situations. In many areas, for example, doctors and nurses are required to report to police the identity of any person who is treated for a gunshot wound. In many parts of the worl mandated reporters are people who have regular contact with vulnerable people such as children , disabled persons , and senior citizens , and are therefore legally required to ensure a report is made when abuse is observed or suspected.

Mandated reporters may include paid or unpaid people who have assumed full or. Register of community services. The mandated reporter shall offer advocacy. Non- mandated reporters must not share suspected child abuse or neglect with mandated reporters, as this would cause the mandated reporter to have to make a report , and would be a violation of the client’s confidentiality. For example , in Queenslan teachers are required to report all forms of suspected significant abuse and neglect under school policy but are only mandated to report sexual abuse and physical abuse under the legislation.
What is mandated reporting? This factsheet discusses laws that designate the groups of professionals that are required to report cases of suspected child abuse and neglect. In other words, the mandatory reporting of abuse or neglect of children is a 24-hour obligation.