Versions of this Act (includes consolidations, Reprints and “As passed” versions). Subsidiary legislation made under this Act (current versions). Please Note: The link to this page has been updated to law_a149.
The Act does not apply to leases: 1. See full list on smallbusiness.
The purpose of the Act is to: 1. Both tenants and landlords can approach us for assistance to resolve their dispute. Depending on the nature of the dispute, it may be appropriate for the dispute to be referred to mediation. You can learn more about our dispute resolution service. Parties may go directly to the SAT for certain administrative or urgent matters.
An Act to regulate commercial tenancy agreements relating to certain shops, to prohibit unconscionable conduct, or misleading or deceptive conduct, by landlords or tenants in relation to such agreements, to provide for the determination of questions arising under such agreements, and for connected purposes. What is a retail lease provision?
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