This is required when you open a new bank account, and it can be done online without needing to visit a bank branch. What is the 1point system? The 1point identification check must be completed and lodged with the completed application to the NSW Ministry of Health Central Register.
Certified copies onlyof documents should be provided to satisfy the 1point check. Do not provide original documents.
POINTS OF ID The following documents are able to be used to represent 1points of ID. It is important to note that one of your identification documents must include your photo and your current address. When opening an account or becoming a signatory to an existing account, new customers are required to provide 1points ( minimum ) of identification. Once provide customers will not need to repeat this procedure when opening or becoming a signatory to further NAB accounts. NATIONAL POLICE CHECK ( NPC) 1POINT CHECKLIST FOR IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENTS A minimum of 1points of identification has to be provided with an application.
Use this as a checklist when preparing your identification documents. Identification Checklist for Individual Customers Thank you for your interest in Westpac.