It provides access to publicly available information supplied by businesses when they register for an Australian Business Number ( ABN ). Not everyone is entitled to an ABN , so the registration process will ask specific questions to determine your entitlement to an ABN. How to register a business ABN? What is business registration? The ABN is a unique digit number that identifies your business or organisation to the government and community.
Apply or reapply for an ABN using the application below: Apply or reapply for an ABN Watch this video to find out more about ABNs.
The Australian Business Number ( ABN ) is a unique number used to identify business names and companies. Find details on ABN lookup Who can get an ABN ? We have forms for new businesses , existing businesses returning to apply for tax registrations or businesses who simply need myGovID account. If you already have an ABN and just want to apply for tax registrations , please visit the Apply for tax registrations page. Business or company registrations Australian business number.
Secure online authentication. Register your business name. To securely access a number of government online business services like the Business. (more…)