KPMG to a client pursuant to a letter enclosing these General Terms and recording the engagement (“ the Engagement Letter ”). Definitions Services means the services to be delivered by us under the Engagement Letter. KPMG or we (or derivatives) means the KPMG contracting party as identified by the Engagement Letter.
Specimen audit management letter. Audit of XYZ for the year ended DAY MONTH YEAR. The purpose of this report is to set out certain matters that came to our attention during the course of the interim audit of the financial statements of XYZ for the year ended December. KPMG’s planned scope and timing for the audit of the consolidated financial statements is provided in their Audit Planning Letter (Attachment 1). What does other KPMG mean?
The overall audit strategy and audit approach is to address any significant risks identified during the planning process. Engagement Letter , together with any documents or other terms applicable to the Services to which specific contractual reference is made in the Engagement Letter. KPMG Network – international network of independent KPMG member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“ KPMG International” ), a Swiss entity. The purpose of an engagement letter is to provide the accountant or firm with necessary protective wording for their practice in the future. (more…)